Importance of Workplace Hygiene

Lazer's Clean & Green!
Working environments can often be a breeding ground for sickness-causing viruses and germs. The employees who come from different backgrounds have different hygiene sensibilities. This makes it critical for the companies or establishments to have a well-defined workplace hygiene system in place. Hygiene is important in the workplace because it contributes to a healthy workforce.
In these tough times when the entire world is battling Covid 19, the atmosphere is of gloom and scare. With the employees and employers both apprehensive about going back to work, assurance of a clean, hygienic, and sanitized workplace encourages them to join back without any fear.
Good workplace hygiene broadly constitutes the following:
Clean Restroom Facilities
It is pivotal for a hygienic workplace to have a clean bathroom.
- Well-defined cleanliness scheduled for the bathrooms should be in place.
- Bathroom s should be well-stocked with soap, toilet paper, and hand towels.
Provide Clean, Wipes, Sanitizer and Tissues
These items should be provided in bulk in the office environments. Preferably these should be placed in the common areas like entrance, corridors, and cafeteria so that both employees and visitors can have easy access. This will encourage a cleanliness culture and is crucial to the prevention of sharing germs interpersonally in close working environments. Good quality sanitizers which kill the germs effectively and at the same time are gentle on hands work well here.
Clean Workplace Windows
For workers working in a enclosed environment proper lighting is very important. Good levels of natural light, even if the weather is not so good, can impact mood and productivity. However, sadly this is all too often limited by dirt and dust on windows which limits the light coming.
It also conveys a message of a lack of care. Clean windows create a productive atmosphere thereby sending the message to the employees that they care for A good glass and window cleaner simplifies the work of cleanliness.
Proper Garbage Disposal System
No one wants to work in a place that has garbage bins overflowing with thrash and generating bad smells. It is important to have a proper disposal system in place as well as a dedicated staff to implement the same.
Provide Clean Air
Workers may bring food and drinks of all kinds to the workplace. Unfortunately, this can leave lingering odors behind, which may affect the quality of air and may convey the message, that cleanliness of air or the workplace is not important.
Using good air conditioning, as well as keeping good smelling air fresheners and sanitizers help in keeping the air clean thereby maintaining a pleasant environment.
Personal Hygiene
It refers to the cleanliness, appearance and habits of employees. Personal hygiene of employees, for obvious reasons, can be a sensitive issue for business owners, so having an official policy helps to ease any awkwardness, as employees will understand what is expected of them.
It includes showering, using deodorant or perfume, grooming facial hair, and hair-washing. Hand washing and the use of hand sanitizers are also important pillars of personal hygiene.
Education of Employees
Awareness programs and workshops should be held regularly for employees to make them aware of their active role in keeping the workplace clean. It should be made a shared responsibility.
To summarize hygiene and cleanliness are of prime importance at the workplace. Employees who are unhappy about the levels of workplace hygiene can complain if they believe the standards of cleanliness are poor enough to constitute a health risk. The organizations also benefit as fewer employees will fall sick, healthy employees means an increase in productivity.
Ensure That Communal Areas Are Cleaned
Common areas in an office are a good location for workers to take a break. Snacks and drinks that they consume will give energy that is needed to maintain productivity. However, good habits are required to maintain hygiene.
Warm foods or sugary snacks left out in the open are a breeding ground for germs, especially if left overnight in warm conditions. So employees must be encouraged to keep these areas clean. Also, sink areas should be cleaned with detergent regularly and should always be disinfected.
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